Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Who We Are

Truth is eternal! Yet some people can’t help thinking of the bible as a mere farce writing with very unlikely situations and illustrations, just because its setting is pre-20th Century. Thank God YOU are not one of those. But you, and I, have an obligation to that regard: we can reach out to these ones with the same message of the bible in a different way that they may appreciate. We would not be rewriting the Holy Book; but we can relate its situations, stories, illustrations and teachings in today’s context. We can project a make-belief bible era with cars, skyscrapers, white-board markers, T-shirts that read “I love Lagos”, stilettos, sci-fi novels, and even condoms. It will be fun. Jesus employed the same approach when He taught the principles of The Laws in poetic imageries called PARABLES. You would be amazed what a beautiful picture you would get just adding some colors to the gray lines on the canvass. I would do it in literature and snippets, that’s my forte; you can ‘modernize’ the architecture, and another the flora. Come on! Let’s be brave to explore God’s Word. Like Habakkuk, let us rouse “the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breath of the earth, to seize habitations not their own.” (Habakkuk 1:6). I’m tired of heathen masterpieces; let me do some to glorify my father’s work.

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